N. R. Farrell

Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance Author

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Demon Trials – One Week Post Launch

Happy Tuesday to all!

It’s hard to believe that Demon Trials launched one week ago already and that the story is now out in the wild. If you haven’t had a chance to take a look, you can find it on Kindle (Unlimited), in paperback, and in audiobook right here.

Many thanks to everyone who has given the book a shot and has left a review. I love hearing what you all have to say, and reviews are the best way to help out and ensure I can keep publishing more books.

For now, I’m going to let Demon Trials have its day in the sun. While I don’t have exact dates yet, my goal is to release the third book in the series later this year. Expect more news in that regard in the coming months. But before that, we’ll be delving into a new adventure this summer. New? Yes, something new, exciting, and unrelated to The Survival Chronicles. Exact dates and info coming in the next few weeks!

I hope you’re excited for both of these things and as promised, going forward, there should no longer be massive gaps between books like there was between Demon Whispers and Demon Trials.

If you’ve read my books already, I hope you enjoyed them, and if you haven’t read them yet, I hope you give them a chance!

Have a great week, everyone!